Crafted Essentials To Take Away On Summer Travels

Posted 06/06/2024 in Tips for Crafters

The flights and accommodation were booked a few months ago as the biting winter winds and icy rain assaulted us whenever we stepped outdoors, passports have been checked and are in date and finally, the holiday countdown begins. You can almost feel the warm sand slipping between your toes as you walk barefooted along the beach, the light winds causing your sarong skirt to flap against your sun-tanned legs and the cool of the sea as you gently dip your toes into the lapping waters. In your mind’s eye, you can see the vivid pink of the bougainvillea sprawled over white-washed walls all under a sky with a depth of blue not to be found on our shores. You shake yourself out of your daydream; it’s time to get practical and to write your holiday packing list.

Holidays are a highlight of our year. We all need to rest, and getting away from our homes, work, emails and daily chores allows us to do this. Not all of us will be heading overseas. Some will be returning to a much-loved caravan parked on an idyllic spot of our beautiful British coastline, some may be negotiating the seemingly Herculean task of stuffing tents, camping gear and children into the car, some may be travelling light with hiking tents only and making for the mountain ranges of our national parks. Wherever we are going, we will need to pack clothing and other essentials for our trip. Holidays are special times; months of saving and planning precede them and excitement rises as they draw near. Adding some exquisitely handmade items to the holiday luggage will add a sense of luxury whether your destination is a family tent in the British Isles or a hotel on the Mediterranean. So, what will be on your holiday essentials list and can some of these be hand-crafted rather than mass-produced?

For those travelling overseas a travel wallet is essential. While there will be many factory-made ones on the market, a personalised one, maybe with the holder’s name or names of the whole family, will produce a smile even in those long airport queues.

Everybody will need toiletries, even those with the most streamlined of backpacks! Shampoo, soap and moisturisers made from natural ingredients which are both kind to the skin and the environment will add a sense of pampering to the holiday. Handmade shampoo bars can also be very useful for travelling as they last longer and avoid the risk of leakages.

For those heading for sunny shores, a beach bag is a must; something voluminous yet chique, able to hold towels, swimwear, books, sunscreen, water and anything else thrown in last minute, all with stylish elegance. This is an opportunity for uniquely designed and hand-crafted bags to shine!

With the beach still in mind, a light, washable, floaty wrap skirt to be worn over swimwear will be high on the list of clothes to pack. For those staying in more temperate climes, a stack of tees will be needed. For campers without easy washing facilities, an extra few for the children may well be required to see them through the holiday. If you live in a holiday destination within the UK you might like to consider making some T-shirts with a logo unique to your area; although necessity might initially drive the purchase of a new garment, the final choice may be decided upon by a design which is unique to the area.

Whatever the destination, a hat of some sort will be required, whether that be a floppy beach hat, a bucket hat or a cap. Hats brought for a holiday will also bring back memories of that time. One which is high quality, stylish and long-lasting will be a memento as well as a useful article of clothing.

At the end of a day on the beach, having showered and applied some handmade enriching moisturising lotion, it will be time to dress up and head out into a balmy evening for dinner. Jewellery and perfume will both add to the sense of occasion. We have some very talented perfumers and jewellery makers here at Craft Insurance and the summer holiday market is one into which you may like to dip your toes.

Whether you make perfumes, jewellery or another crafted item we have mentioned, you will need to look for a craft insurance company before you begin selling in earnest. There are many of these to choose from, but what makes our craft insurance company stand out from the crowd is that we, like you, are a small family business. As such we know and value each of our incredibly talented customers and are committed to giving you the best value insurance package tailored to your unique requirements. You will not be lost in a queue of clients; whether you contact us by phone or email either Sam or Naomi will be here to answer your query. So, if you are looking for a craft insurance company, why not get in touch? We look forward to hearing about your amazing business and the plans you have for it.

One final suggestion for a fun, hand-crafted holiday item, one which will certainly evoke memories; why not create a sand jar? This only needs to be small, giving just enough space for a tiny amount of holiday sand to be taken home. When those cold, dark evenings draw in again, holiday photos can be brought out, maybe a meal inspired by the local cuisine can be prepared and the few grains of sand can be poured into the palm of your upturned hand. A holiday can be remembered; the warm sun, the vivid colours, the dazzling sea and most of all precious memories made with those most special to you.