Independent Retailer Month

Posted 04/07/2024 in Tips for Crafters

This month of July (for both the UK and the US) is a celebration of a cherished body of people who contribute so much to the economy and to their local communities – it’s Independent Retailers Month. As providers of craft business and artist insurance we understand the vital role that independent retailers play when it comes to creating jobs and adding to the richness and diversity of our communities.

Independent retailers contribute so much to the unique character and cultural fabric of our communities, giving us shopping destinations that reflect our local tastes and traditions. Our independent retail outlets are in fact deeply rooted in community as they offer us a more unique selection of products, often sourced from other local suppliers. As well as this, they often participate in local events and support local causes, which in itself fosters a sense of community and loyalty.

Independent retailers embody the entrepreneurial spirit, founded and run by passionate individuals who bring their unique visions and dedication to their businesses. How dull our lives would be without these brave individuals who bring their creative genius to brighten and enrich our marketplace!

Independents account for something in the order of 65% of the approximately 290,000 retail outlets in the UK and there are fundamental reasons why they are described as being “the heart of the community”. One is that the money that is spent locally tends to stay in the local economy, supporting local jobs and businesses, leading to a stronger, more vibrant community. A US study showed that each dollar spent at an independent business returned three times more money to the local economy than a dollar spent at a national chain and that whereas big businesses had a tendency to eliminate jobs, small businesses had a tendency to create jobs.

With retail spending under pressure, never have independent retailers needed our support more. It’s time to return the favour, as it were, for the aspect of community that independent retailers have created. It’s worth noting that the mere existence of independent retail outlets leads to personal relationships that enrich our lives. These relationships, built between independent retailers and customers deserve the loyalty that they generate. That high level of personalised service they provide, taking the time to get to know customers and catering to their specific needs is worth celebrating and that’s what this month is all about!

It’s not been an easy period to stick it out as an indie retailer either, what with the restrictions of the pandemic, the difficulties of lockdown and increases in energy bills, all in addition to the normal overheads of paying tax and craft business or artist insurance. It’s time to recognise and celebrate their stickability with our repeat custom and frequent word-of-mouth referrals.

Independent Retailer Month kicks off with Independents’ Day UK which usually happens around July 4th and this year is stretched across a full weekend, on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July. Independent’s Day UK have appealed via their website for the support of the general public…

How can retailers get involved?

Independent retailers can use Independent’s Day UK to promote their own businesses online and in their own communities by:

  • Following and engaging with the campaign across social media platforms. 
  • Sharing news of the campaign taking place with fellow retailers and customers.
  • Downloading the Independents’ Day UK logo and sharing it on your website, on your own social platforms and in your shop windows to show that you are taking part.
  • Getting in touch with Independents Day UK ( so that they can tell your story.
  • Doing something special for the Independents’ Day weekend, like a unique offer/promotion, product launch or event with another local business to bring people into your shop (particularly those who may not have visited before)

How can shoppers get involved?

  • As a shopper, you can show love for the independent retailers you value most both in your local communities and online by:
  • Following and engaging with the campaign across social media platforms. 
  • Sharing the campaign with your family and friends.
  • Give a shout-out on social media to the independent retailers you love and value most and tag Independent’s Day UK in any post using the hashtag #ukindieday.
  • Ask the independent retailers you visit or know if they are involved with Independents’ Day UK – if not, why not direct them to our website
  • Make a list of one or two independent retailers that you’ve never visited before, or even local favourites you’re familiar with and pledge to spend some money with them on Independents’ Day weekend – your visit will make a world of difference.

We all want diversity in our high streets and the distinct character and service that independent retailers give to our towns. It would be a very sad state of affairs if the individualistic vibrancy and quirkiness of our independent retail outlets, both in our towns and online, were forever lost to the same lineup of chain stores.

As providers of craft businesses and artist insurance, we stand with our independent retailers and we look forward to brighter days together. Please do get in touch with us if you are looking to sell your handcrafted items in an independent retail outlet as we have had several decades of experience of working with crafters to ensure they have the correct cover. The easiest way to find out more about craft business insurance is simply to drop us a message or pick up the phone and either Naomi or Sam will be here to help answer your questions.