How many flowers can you find in an English country garden?

Posted 11/07/2024 in Tips for Crafters

There can be few things which, throughout history, have captured the essence of summer as much as the archetypal English country garden. Music has been composed, paintings created and both poetry and prose written, all inspired by this rural idyllic. We will all have a unique image spring to mind when we think of an English country garden. For some of us, it will be a formal garden, with sweeping lawns overlooking wide open spaces of wheat-filled fields, beautifully planted wide herbaceous borders guaranteeing a feast for the eyes, spacious paths leading to carefully planned vistas and quiet benches overlooking pools or fountains. For others of us, it may be the jolly scramble of a cottage garden, where blowsy flowers compete with an array of vegetables, hens peck around under an apple tree and sweetly fragranced roses tumble over the doorway of a thatched cottage.

However we perceive an English country garden, flowers will be central; early in the year, this will be tiny snowdrops poking their white heads up in the depths of winter to herald the coming of spring, followed by cheery yellow daffodils and then by bright red tulips standing tall as soldiers. As spring gives way to summer, bold pink magnolias burst forth, bluebells sway daintily in the warming breezes and daisies run wild and wonderfully uninvited over our lawns. Summer brings the greatest display of floral abundance as annuals such as blue cornflowers appear, competing with lavishly trailing red and yellow nasturtiums. Bold perennials such as geraniums and phlox make themselves at home in our borders and hollyhocks and delphiniums tower over them all. Roses in all their abundance and glory reign in our summer gardens, with their sweet fragrances and delicate petals of all colours and sizes. The variety and beauty of flowers are truly breathtaking so it is little wonder they have inspired so many artists from all walks of life over the years.

Current crafters are no exception and summer sees a proliferation of handmade gifts with a floral theme. Maybe you work with textiles and create beautiful and colourful knitted or crocheted flowers which are used to embellish bags, garments or blankets. Maybe you work with needle felting and create stunning pictures encapsulating the essence of an English country garden in full bloom. Or you might embroider pictures of a summer flower border with the intricate detail your skill allows. With an increase in interest in learning crafting skills, home kits can also be a great option to add to your stock. If you sell online, needle felting and embroidery kits are popular, as well as folded origami kits to make flower-themed decorations. These all make thoughtful gifts, offering both a stunning end product and also the satisfaction of learning a new skill.

In an age of quick-fire texts and messages, the art of letter writing has seen a decline. However, it seems we are missing this form of communication and it is slowly seeing a resurgence as we realise the value of “snail mail”. We all love to receive a card, with a personal message inside and it’s even better if the picture is a gorgeous floral illustration which can be popped in a frame and enjoyed for years to come.

With the summer wedding season in full swing, flowers will take centre stage in the decoration schemes of many venues. However, weddings at other times of year need not miss out, with dried flowers making unique and environmentally kind wedding favours, stunning botanically inspired bunting bringing a touch of outdoors inside and floral table runners and napkins to bring beauty and colour to each table.

With all this abundance of creativity, you will need to find an outlet to sell your amazing stock. This could be online, at craft fairs and markets, or other local events. All of these will involve some financial layout, as well as a consideration of product liability insurance costs. When you are weighing up product liability insurance costs, keep in mind that this kind of insurance covers you for any complaint a member of the public may make about one of your products and will cover your legal defence costs. While these situations are not a regular occurrence in your crafting business and you will do all you reasonably can to avoid them, it is exactly the unpredictable nature of complaints for which we have insurance in place. We call it “sleep easy” insurance; you know you are covered, so you can dismiss any concerns from your mind and focus on the important matters of creating your stock and building your business.

As a family business ourselves we place a high value on our customers and work hard to ensure they get the best deal possible, both financially and with the service we give. We are sure that as you compare product liability insurance costs you will find our quotes very competitive. In addition, we are always at hand to talk with you; either drop us a line or pick up the phone and either Naomi or Sam will be here to chat. We look forward to talking with you and hearing about your business.

With all the activity that summer brings, we hope you find time to be inspired by the floral abundance of the season. Pick any wayside flower, a daisy or buttercup will do, and take a few moments to study the intricacy of its design and beauty. Maybe too, you can pack up a flask and a picnic and head out for the day to a garden open to the public. Allow your eyes to feast on the colours and variety of the floral displays and let the beauty of nature calm your busy souls.