Craft Trends And How They Might Impact Your Business
Any savvy business owner would give a lot to have a window into the future; the economic climate, global events, national occasions. To a certain extent, we can all get a feel of what our customers will be looking for simply by keeping our eyes open, our antennae up and listening to neighbours and friends. Our world is shifting so quickly that it can sometimes feel like we are living in quicksand, and the constant 24/7 news does nothing to still any anxiety we may feel because of this. However, if we dare to switch off our news feeds for a while, take some deep breaths and begin to take note instead of what is around us, we may find that our natural instincts will do us better than any number of newsreel predictions or TikTok trends.
Why not try having a few pertinent questions to hand that you can gently pose to those with whom you come into contact. What are you looking forward to this year? Are you planning any holidays and if so, where? What are your main concerns for the year ahead? What would you most like to change in your life/your community/our nation?
A little gentle prodding will not only reveal the “temperature” of those around you but will probably enable you to come up with some astute strategies for new lines and products for your craft business. For example, the holiday destinations planned are an indication of disposable income. If people are looking forward to working on their garden or allotment or taking walks in the countryside, they might be drawn towards products with an earthy bent. If there is a general wariness of uncertainty ahead, a comforting vintage style harking back to more stable times might be appreciated, and if there is a longing for something better, then bright, vibrant colours will be lapped up.
Having had a few of these conversations, you may well find that a quick internet search will confirm your own hunches; it did ours! Retro and earthy are the staples, accentuated with the vibrancy of bright colours and experimental new styles. Reuse and recycle is a safe bet for any upcoming lines.
If you work with crotchet or knitting, the current trends of chunky, textured and big are set to continue. Think large needles and bulky yarn; cosy hats and scarves with a home spun look, snug jumpers and homey blankets. Consider texture rich patterns and combining crotchet and knitting in a single product to enhance its appearance and tactile feel.
Reusing textiles and transforming them into new products with a fresh lease of life is also very much continuing in popularity. This is good for business as it keeps your own costs for raw materials down, and enables you to pass this on to some extent to your customers. Become a charity shop squirrel, gathering together old curtains and bedding. Then, pour your creative flair into them and watch the transformation into new garments, bags, lampshades, cushion covers, journal cases and a myriad of other tempting products.
Dried flowers also continue to be a popular choice; their longevity, ease of care and sustainability factor as well as natural rustic charm all come together to make them a winning choice when it comes to “saying it” with flowers. This is good news for crafters as there are numerous ways they could be included in your ranges. Cards, gift labels and bookmarks embellished with a few thoughtfully arranged dried flowers look both beautiful and stylish. Turn these into personalised birthday cards or gifts by using pressed flowers. A rustic dried flower wreath or a pressed flower frame both make gorgeous gifts. Bath bombs and soaps with a floral twist are not only eye-catching but also have good sustainability value. Look for local market gardeners who grow dried flower varieties as well as a good range of annuals and perennials and make sure you advertise your local credentials.
As you plan your upcoming ranges for the year, you will also be looking at your marketing strategies and how and where you will be selling. Whether this is online or at crafts and markets, you will need to consider creative industry insurance. If you are new to selling your creations, the whole idea of creative industry insurance can sound somewhat confusing. However, let us assure you that it is actually remarkably straightforward. Depending on your crafting business needs, it usually includes public and products liability cover; you may also need employers’ liability.
Public and product liability covers you for any claims made against you or your products, even if it is not your fault. It covers defence costs and any compensation required. While you will obviously do all you can to ensure you are never in this position, the whole idea of creative industry insurance is to protect you and your business from the unforeseeable. For this reason, we call it the “sleep easy” insurance. Having this in place enables you to get on and do what you do best; creating beautiful and stylish hand-crafted products with will bring joy and delight to your customers.
So, why not pick up the phone or drop us a line and either Sam or Naomi will be here to guide you through and ensure you have the best creative industry insurance for your unique business?
Many business owners are heading into this coming year with a sense of uncertainty and even some trepidation, and it is helpful to acknowledge this. We live in uncertain times. However, a general longing for stability from which the trends for homespun charm, vintage elegance and natural beauty are birthed is good news for crafters. Large retailers will try to copy what you produce in reality. As you walk into this next year, be wise in your decision-making but confident in your locally produced, environmentally kind and steadfastly beautiful products.