Dealing with the ups and downs of running a small crafting business

Posted 01/09/2022 in Tips for Crafters

It’s so easy to get stressed out as a small business owner and it’s a relief to know certain everyday choices will help us to manage the ups and downs. We specialise in craft insurance for UK artists and crafters to help with any unexpected ‘downs’, but, we thought, why not come up with some reminders to help multiply the ‘ups’!

Starting a small business means freedom and being the boss. Freedom, however, doesn’t necessarily mean we can do anything and everything. Everyone has the same amount of time, but how we spend it dictates the results we are living with. In fact, spending time doing certain activities might be quite unhelpful!

Our priorities differ from person to person, however, if our overall aim is to keep the business on an even keel and stay sane we need to prioritise accordingly. Saying yes to one thing is going to mean saying no to others. We have to be selective about what we spend our time on.

Here is a list of some of the things that might be helpful to prioritise:

Waking up early

Getting a head start on the day sets a great tone for the rest of the day. The peaceful mornings allow much-needed focus time, free from disruptions. The desire to crawl back under the covers can be combatted by getting rid of the snooze button!

Also, if we know in advance that we have a difficult item to cross off our to-do list, it can be tackled first thing in the morning to avoid that sense of dread. Then get ready to usher in feelings of accomplishment and a readiness to conquer whatever else comes across our path throughout the day.

Things that prevent us from waking up early can be de-prioritised, such as binge-watching Netflix series until late, stargazing or that extra glass of wine! 

Planning time and scheduling in priorities

As a small business owner, have you ever complained that there are never enough hours in the day? The problem here might not actually be a lack of time, but lack of a schedule. A schedule helps you to plan, anticipate, and keep your life organised. Then, just as you schedule time for certain tasks you need to get done, you can schedule free time too. Taking a break allows the brain to take in new information and to generate creativity.

Working to a routine.

With a regular routine, you know what to expect, which leads to a sense of peace. Your body also likes a routine — your internal body clock dictates when you feel tired or energised and can impact your ability to focus. If your energy and concentration dip around 3 p.m you could schedule a walk or a workout to feel re-energised.

Having less clutter around.

A cluttered home and work-space, can really affect how you feel about everything. It can result in overwhelm and brain fog when you have so much disorganisation to contend with. A deep clean once a week, with a bit of general ‘upkeep’ throughout the week should suffice to keep the clutter down. Why not schedule it in?

Learning to Say ‘No

When you start out, you say yes to everything because you don’t have a choice, but as time goes on and you have had your share of negative experiences, you start to recognise the warning signs. Sometimes it’s because clients overstep your boundaries and you realise too late that you didn’t set them effectively in the first place. At other times it’s because you took on a job or a commission that you didn’t really have time for and now it’s impinging on other areas of your life. You are allowed to say no. Remember that your time is limited and it’s best to work on your terms. Ask yourself: “Is this something I want to do and do I have time to do it? 

Becoming a delegator

All small business owners will remember the time when they had to do everything. However, as you learn to work ‘smarter’ you realise that many tasks can be easily outsourced. If you’re trying to do it all, then you’re probably not doing a good job at every single thing. That’s why outsourcing parts of the business will even help you to scale your business.

Think about the things that you struggle with…is it the social media, the admin or even the decluttering? These things can all be outsourced as your business grows. Ask yourself: Which tasks do you want to spend your time on and which ones would you rather avoid? The truth is that you’ll probably waste time trying to do the things that you aren’t so good at, so outsourcing will free you up to do things that you enjoy doing and are successful at.

Unplugging from the phone

Everyone needs time away from emails and looking after customers. Whether it’s reading, going for a walk, or talking with others, they’re all great ways to engage a different part of your brain and help restore you.

And also, don’t forget about powering down devices to avoid blue light at least an hour before bedtime. Apparently, people who do this sleep better and are more rested and alert the next day.

Insuring yourself against the unexpected

Knowing that all aspects of your crafting business are covered against the unexpected will bring peace of mind. If you aren’t sure whether you are covered in a worst case scenario, why not contact us at Craft Insurance? UK crafters tell us that getting insured with us is simple and very easy to organise. With Craft Insurance, UK artists and owners of small crafting businesses can get a tailored quote online to receive proof of insurance in minutes.

Having an awesome summer! We hope you all have a lovely break and a chance to recharge your batteries.