Story Updates

Here you can find all the important story updates that we’d like to share with you, from the latest policy updates, current Affairs, craft events and general craft musings. But most importantly, we like to let our crafters take centre stage, so here are some of their stories.

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Crafters Keeping Traditions Alive

Posted on 10/10/2024 Uncategorised
It's October, and that means we've already started thinking about Christmas. There’s something about the season – the lights, the warmth, the traditions that bring …

How To Avoid Craft Nightmares

Posted on 03/10/2024 Tips for Crafters
As you begin to read this, just stop for a moment and think of a time when, as a customer, you have been dissatisfied with …

No Hibernating This Winter!

Posted on 26/09/2024 Tips for Crafters
Imagine, if you will, a perfect winter morning; cold, crisp air, clear blue skies, a slight hoar frost giving a satisfying crunch to each step …

Where Farm Shops Become Craft Shops

Posted on 19/09/2024 Tips for Crafters
As autumn slowly meanders its way towards winter, our thoughts will be turning towards Christmas and the many marketing opportunities this brings for individually made …