Story Updates

Here you can find all the important story updates that we’d like to share with you, from the latest policy updates, current Affairs, craft events and general craft musings. But most importantly, we like to let our crafters take centre stage, so here are some of their stories.

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The Christmas Craft Gift List

Christmas is just around the corner; community carols sung around an outdoor tree, warm mugs of hot chocolate at the end of a winter’s walk, …

January Sales and the best place to sell handmade items

Posted on 30/11/2023 Tips for Crafters
It might seem early days to be talking about January sales when the celebration, colour, noise and busyness of Christmas hasn’t even started yet! However, …

How do I get influencers to wear my stuff?

Posted on 23/11/2023 Tips for Crafters
Collaborations with influencers have become crucial for brands trying to increase their visibility and connect with new audiences in the digital age of social media. …

It’s good to chat, even when it’s about trade public liability insurance!

Posted on 16/11/2023 Insurance | Tips for Crafters
“Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages you to be brave and true” Charles Dickens. Dickens …